Westmont High School Athletics

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Block Letters


The criteria for earning the Athletic W Block Letter has been established by the members of the Westmont High School administration team and coaching staff. Collectively the staff believes that, for students at our school, earning an athletic block letter should require evidence of accountability, commitment, persistence, and work ethic.

General Criteria

In order to receive a Block Letter in Athletics a student must meet the following criteria

Activity Description


Participation in any Varsity Level Sport

At least 50% of the Season

Attended regularly scheduled games/contests required for the sport

At least 90% of Contests

2.5 overall GPA 

At least 50% of the Season

Additional Requirements

  • Must be in good athletic and academic standing.
    • Complete the entire season and be eligible academically. 
  • Show marked improvement during the season and from the previous season.
  • Be of good character, a teammate, and a team player. 


Exceptions to Qualifications

  • Injured athletes may receive a letter if in the opinion of the head coach he/she would have participated at the varsity level had they not been injured. 
  • Team Managers who have held the position for at least two seasons in the same sport may earn a letter. 
  • In cases of extenuating circumstances, exceptions to the standards listed above are permitted with the approval of the coach and the athletic director. 


Process for obtaining Athletic W Block Letter

  1. Upon completion of the season student athletes will contact Athletic Director ( to notify him of their wish to obtain the Athletic W Block Letter. 
  2. If determined that the requirements were met by the Athletic Director, student athletes will be given a day and time to pick up their block letter and certificate. 
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