Westmont High School Athletics

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For Kyle J. Taylor Foundation Screenings

Click this LINK to find upcoming heart screening opportunities!

What do 9th and 11th grade athletes need to do?
Athletes in grades 9 and 11 during 2023-24 will need to get a heart screening, either as part of or in addition to their athletic physical, prior to participation in sports.

  • If their outside doctor completing their physical provides this screening, that meets the requirement.
  • If their outside doctor completing their physical does not provide this screening, they can complete the requirement by getting the screening done at Westmont hosted by the Foundation ($10).
  • If they get the physical done at Westmont, they can also get their screening done at Westmont hosted by the Foundation ($10).

Where can I find the Heart Screening Form?
Our physical form on our website within the "How to Participate" section now includes the required heart screening (ECG Screening). You may also include the screening documentation as an additional attachment within Home Campus or Athletic Clearance. Click HERE to go to the NEW English & Spanish physical form that includes the heart screening requirement for 9th and 11th graders.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What about 10th and 12th grade students?
A: These students are not required to get a heart screening at this time, but they are welcomed to participate in the on campus heart screening events if the Foundation can handle the additional numbers.

Q: What if a 9th/11th grade athlete already got their physical and didn't get a heart screening?
A: The athlete can either return to their doctor's office or the provider to request a heart screening and an updated form, or they can get their heart screening done at Westmont for $10.

Q: What if a 9th/11th grade athlete is unable to attend the heart screening at Westmont? Will there be a makeup date?
A: While we are working with the Kyle J Taylor foundation to see if we can get an additional date or two on the calendar, it is highly recommended that you either try to schedule an appointment with your physician or attend a screening taking place at our other district sites. To see the dates and times of the other sites, click HERE.

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